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FORMAT Technology Forecasting Newsletter, February 2015

This newsletter contains a published white paper, summary of FORMAT updates and a list publications related to manufacturing or technology forecasting.


Technology Forecasting Newsletter, February 2015

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The FORMAT project started with a vision of using systematic methodologies to see what’s beyond the horizon in technology and to guide decision makers to see far and beyond the obvious.

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FORMAT Project Updates:

FORMAT Final Conference:  Registration and Programme Details
May 14-15, 2015; Milan, Italy

The consortium of FORMAT project is pleased to invite you to a two-day conference in technology forecasting at Politecnico di Milano, department of mechanical engineering.

Among the Speakers:

Mohsen Hamoudia - International Institute of Forecasters
Ralph Grothman - Siemens Corporate Technology
Gaetano Cascini - Politecnico di Milano
Pierluigi Petrali - Whirlpool Europe
Sandro Feltrin - RIC

FORMAT consortium researchers, engineers and consultants are going to present talks of technology forecasting and disseminate the project latest advancements and case-studies.


  • Download full announcement here
  • Download preliminary programme here
  • Free Registration here


The event is carried out within the Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) - Marie Curie Actions.

We are looking forward to see you in Milan.

White Paper: Expert Opinion Technique and Recommendations to Reduce its Bias

Information acquiring, gathering, analysing and using have dominated an important part in our life. Considering a traditional classification of quantitative and qualitative analyses, experts’ opinion usually plays a major role for the second one in addition to combined approaches of both. This white paper reviews the procedures carried out with the purpose of technology forecasting in order to gather and analyse information from knowledgeable experts. The aim is to provide a list of recommendations and guidelines to reduce the bias resulting from these procedures. 

For the full white paper, click here.


New Arrivals in the FORMAT Tech Forecasting Library
  1. A. L. Porter, S. W. Cunningham, J. Banks, A. T. Roper, T. W. Mason and F. A. Rossini (2011) “Forecasting and management of technology”, John Wiley. New York, NY
  2. R. J Hyndman and G. Athanasopoulos (2013) “Forecasting: principles and practice” An online textbook. Available at:
  3. K. Cuhls (2003) “Delphi method”, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Germany. Available at:
  4. M. R. Hallowell (2009) “Techniques to Minimize Bias When Using the Delphi Method to Quantify Construction Safety and Health RisksConstruction Research Congress: 1489-1498. Available at:
> Click here for the entire library on MENDELEY.
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Politecnico di Milano, Via La Masa, Milan, Italy
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