You are here: Home Events Guest lecture by Igor Kaikov - "Technology Forecasting" September 19, 2014

Guest lecture by Igor Kaikov - "Technology Forecasting" September 19, 2014

Guest lecture by Igor Kaikov "Technology Forecasting" September 19 at 12:00 - 13:30, Room Nr.21. This presentation prepared in frames of dissemination knowledge programme of European project “FORMAT” (Technology Forecasting).

Event details


Sep 19, 2014
from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM


Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration (RISEBA)

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Three main ideas of the presentation:
1. Forecasting is a process of learning about future.
2. How FORMAT methodology supports you?
3. Overview of FORMAT case study.
The Outline of the presentation
I. Introduction to Technology Forecasting
1. Why do we need a reliable forecast?
2. Why is it difficult to forecast?
3. What are the existing approaches?
II. General information about FORMAT project.
1. Project’s participants.
2. Whirlpool EMEA.
3. Objectives and Requirements.
III. FORMAT Methodology.
1. Stage-Gate process.
2. Case study “Vacuum forming”.
3. Decision making support and expenses.
4. Selection of test cases.
Lecture will be in English.
Igor Kaikov has been recruited by Whirlpool Europe. He has been selected for this position through an open call. He is a researcher in the FORMAT project.
He obtained a degree in Technology of Electrical Engineering, acoustic and ultrasonic tools in 1984 at the Leningrad Electro Technical Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia).
He has an experience of over 25 years of practice and research in the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (Russian acronym – TRIZ) as an engineer, researcher and consultant.
In 2003, Igor Kaikov was invited to the European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) in Karlsruhe, Germany – a daughter company of Électricité de France (EDF) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). From 2003 until August 2012, he consulted EIFER research groups about problem solving processes.
His main field of activity relates to OTSM-TRIZ approaches for solving problems in various technical, technological, scientific, and sociological areas and projects.
He is an author of 3 books, 6 patents and more than 50 scientific papers.

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