Project Workflow
The research methodology of the FORMAT project is structured in a workflow of 3 Phases and 5 WPs.
In the first phase the consortium will define the preliminary studies of the FORMAT project, such as i) analysis of industrial organizational models and requirements; ii) state of the art analysis of product and process modelling, technology forecasting, text mining and information extraction technologies; iii) definition of test cases and assessment metrics. According to the overall characteristics of the methodology, all the partners will carry out a competence analyses that will serve as a basis for the ToK Programme of the FORMAT project (it covers WP2 activities).
The second phase will concern the main research activities and the transfer of knowledge and it will be the core phase of the FORMAT project. In this phase the new technology forecast methodology will be developed and refined, through “continuously” re-focused research activities as a consequence of the preliminary testing results. Then the refined methodology will be applied and evaluated in real scenarios (household appliances), through qualitative assessments (it covers WP3-WP4 activities).
The third phase will proceed in parallel with the aforementioned research, because it deals with the production of the handbook and training materials, to be exploited and widely disseminated (It covers WP5 activities).
WP1 “Project Management” lasts for the whole project.