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FORMAT Technology Forecasting Newsletter, July 2014

This newsletter contains a published white paper, summary of events and publications related to manufacturing or technology forecasting.

Technology Forecasting Newsletter, July 2014

The FORMAT project started with a vision of using systematic methodologies for everyone to see what’s beyond the horizon in technology. To guide decision makers see far and beyond the obvious.
What is FORMAT ?
FORMAT Project Updates

FORMAT Handbook set to release in August 2014

Good news from our side - We are about to release the first version of the handbook of the FORMAT methodology that we have developed over the past 3 years. As a promise to our faithful subscribers, you will be the first ones to know about this.

Watch this link

Requirements of the FORMAT methodology in terms of user friendliness and output

A questionnaire was sent out to the networks of the researchers involved in FORMAT, in order to assess the way companies handle innovation and problem-solving. What did we learn from the questionnaire about the requirements of a forecasting methodology? 

Download the paper here

Technology Forecasting Guest Seminar atKarlshochschule International University,Karlsruhe

Igor Kaykov and Prof. Mateusz Słupinski were invited as guest speakers at the Karlshochschule Internation University, Karlsruhe, Germany for the course - Introduction to Strategic Management. The FORMAT methodology and a case study from Whirlpool were presented in this talk. 

Click to know more.
Events of Interest

M2M Innovation World Congress, 22-24 September 2014, Marseille, France

Aimed both at M2M Industry players and their customers from verticals, this independent conference and exhibition will explore the new ways to translate M2M technologies into vertical business needs through:
- High level insights to rethink ecosystems, business models, Big Data, platforms, connectivity, security…
- Best practices from traditional markets and emerging ones: Smart Grids, Smart Cities, Retail, Smart Home / Cars / Devices...
- Discovery & experience through live demos, hands-on at the exhibition...
More details here

EU Brokerage Event on Energy and Environment (Partnering for Horizon 2020 calls), Lille, France, October 9th 2014

The Energy and Environment brokerage event is organised by J’innove network, the Regional council of the Nord-Pas de Calais with the support of Entreprise Europe Network,Tandem project (Interreg IVA France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen), CD2E cluster and University Lille1. The aim of this event is to connect the research and innovation stakeholders willing to participate at the Energy and Environment challenges of Horizon 2020  framework program. The participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss about their project ideas.

This event will allow you to make new contacts and find partners!
More details here
New Arrivals in the FORMAT Tech Forecasting Library
  1. The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind:
    Kaku, Michio. The future of the mind: The scientific quest to understand, enhance, and empower the mind. Random House LLC, 2014.
    Available at
  2. Data Crush: How the Information Tidal Wave is Driving New Business Opportunities:
    Surdak, Christopher. Data Crush: How the Information Tidal Wave is Driving New Business Opportunities. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn, 2014.
    Available at
  3. Advances in Business and Management Forecasting, Volume 9, Kenneth D. Lawrence, Ronald K. Klimberg, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2013. 
    Available at
> Click here for the entire library on MENDELEY.
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