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FORMAT Technology Forecasting Newsletter, December 2014

This newsletter contains a published white paper, case-study assessment and a summary of coming event of FORMAT project final conference for manufacturing and technology forecasting.
The FORMAT project drives innovation in manufacturing processes using systematic methodologies that guide decision makers to see far and beyond the obvious.
What is FORMAT ?
FORMAT Project Updates

Inspiring Next Generation of Futurists at EPFL, Lausanne:  (FORMAT Tutorial at TRIZ Future Conference)

Audience interaction with TRIZ Tutorial during and after TRIZ Future Conference has been an encouraging feedback for the dissemination of FORMAT Technology Forecasting Methodology inspiring both multinational companies and SMEs. Pictures of the event are shown below.
The conference presented:
  • The methodology digest
  • Practical case studies at Whirlpool Europe
  • Industrial-academia knowledge share in the Handbook of the methodology (view free online versionhere)
For more info about the event, view here

Table 1 the categories of Technology Forecasting techniques with the 3 most popular techniques, based on Google Scholar searches. The values in brackets indicates the number of publications

Contradictions in the domain of technological forecasting

Decision making about future technologies like founding into research, purchasing new equipment or  investing  into  human  resources  needs  a  forecast  about  future  socio-technological  changes. Technological  forecasting  as  a  regular  practice  started  to  grow  from  the  1950s. Forecasting  and roadmapping  of  technologies  started  to  grow  in  importance  from  the  middle of 1990s due  to increased  complexity  of  science  and  technology  management.  Forecasting  and  roadmapping  of manufacturing  technologies  are  more  and  more  demand  from  industrial  companies  and  research institutions  due  to  the  high  investment  cost  into  modern  technologies  and  the  rapid  pace  of technology changes in the beginning of 21st century.

More details here

Fig. 3. A brief description of process for developing NoC model.

Assessment of Team experience - Technology Forecasting Case Study at Whirlpool Europe

Assessment is essential for team dynamics and insider insight for strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats.
Analysing case study practice and knowledge transfer, this deliverable of FORMAT project represents the assessment of the case study of vacuum forming based  on  investigating  the  team  experience  through  interviews,  a  questionnaire  and  a preliminary  monitoring  of  similar/related  non-FORMAT studies in thermoforming processes.

More details here

FORMAT Coming Events

FORMAT Final Conference

May 14-15, 2015 in Milan, Italy

Driving Innovation in Industrial Processes
by Technology Forecasting

Day 1 - Session 1
Knowledge Sharing
(Invited Talks)

Day 1 - Session 2
FORMAT in Practice
(Case Studies)

Day 2
Practical Guide
to the FORMAT Methodology

A two-day interactive conference by both academic and industrial partners  in manufacturing processes.

A unique opportunity for SMEs and big companies to share Knowledge transfer and training sessions
in Technology Forecasting activities

Looking forward to seeing you in Milan.